
Can I Get A Swallow Tattoo

The sight of a bird soaring high in the sky has always fascinated humankind. It epitomizes the freedom of mind and spirit that all of us require and cherish then fondly.

While eagles and owls take oft represented this sense of 'flying without boundaries' and 'transcendent wisdom', other birds similar swallows are too associated with the sense of unfettered exploration and run a risk. And this is why eat tattoos are growing in popularity amongst youngsters all over the world.

Ancient Greek and Roman mythology told us that the consume represents a departed person'southward soul, and spoke of Gods who could transform themselves to take the form of a swallow. Today many people consider the swallow their 'spirit animal' that represents allegiance, grace, happiness and peace in their lives.

This helps explicate why swallow tattoos have grown into a popular fad. Not only do people find their attractive designs highly-seasoned, they are also drawn past the deeper symbolism in having swallows tattooed on their bodies.

What does a Swallow Tattoo stand for?

Certain species of swallow can travel long distances while migrating every year. This has led swallow tattoos to be linked with travel and homecoming, making information technology a frequent choice for travelers and adventurers.

A conventional tattoo of ii swallows symbolizes a long journeying. Historically, British sailors used swallow tattoos to boast of their extensive travel experience.

A legend claims that the tattoo of a single swallow implies that the wearer has sailed five thousand nautical miles, and that 2 swallows represent 10,000 miles at sea – no mean feat in the 17th or 18th centuries when sea travel was risky and fraught with danger.

Fortunately, these days yous won't exist ordered to justify how you earned your swallow tattoo. Just fifty-fifty shorn of that accolade, it stands for some important qualities and characters that mean a lot to the wearer.

Some sailors considered a swallow tattoo to be a lucky charm, lending hope of a safety, happy homecoming after an extended voyage across the ocean. Some had a eat etched when they crossed the equator on a ship – and so got another ane done when they returned!

Another myth suggests a connexion between swallow tattoos and a mutiny on board a ship named 'The Swallow'. The seven mutineers who initiated the revolt had a consume tattooed on their chests so they could recognize each other.

Swallows are as well closely associated with Leap, the season of fresh hope, awakening and renewal. In Egyptian poesy, information technology is often a swallow that brings the first signs of new love. And then a consume tattoo represents the revival of promise and beloved.

Two lovers might brandish swallow tattoos on their bodies as an expression of their deep rooted affection for each other.

And, of course, the swallow symbolizes freedom. A tattoo of a swallow tin can suggest risk-taking, assuming and modify-oriented behavior, standing for the promise and dream of a amend, brighter time to come.

Eat tattoos can also be symbols of patriotism, offering a fashion to cherish and respect one's state, region or even family. The interesting combination of liberty with love that's depicted by a swallow tattoo is encapsulated in the pithy quote, "When you dearest a person very much, set them free."

The consume is a symbol of purity and holiness. Seeing the first consume in spring was for long considered a good omen, foreshadowing the arrival of great fiscal success. In a broader sense, you can expect that nil bad or harmful would ever come from a swallow.

Other symbolic meanings attached to these tattoos include surviving hardship or gaining a victory after a tough battle.

All this information should give you something around which to weave your own narrative about your body inking, and to aid translate your tattoo in a uniquely individual way.

The Most Popular Swallow Tattoo

Sailor Jerry, a addicted nickname for tattoo creative person Norman Collins, is known as being the creator of an iconic American swallow tattoo. Jerry, whose clients were oftentimes sailors, used unproblematic, elegant lines to etch colorful swallows in expressive poses.

His tattoos were beautiful sketches of Barn Swallows in rich red, blueish and white plume, with an occasional touch of brown or green. It helped that the principal color choices were also in the same colors of national flags of the USA, United Kingdom and France, making his designs peculiarly appealing to citizens from those nations.

You say 'Consume', I say 'Sparrow'

In that location'southward oft a lot of confusion between consume tattoos and sparrow tattoos. This is and so mutual that the meaning and symbolism of both sparrow and swallow tattoos have become inextricably mixed up, even diluted to a significant degree.

This is difficult to understand because fifty-fifty though the 2 birds expect similar, and even have a few behavioral characteristics in common, they are otherwise completely different, more then in their symbolic meanings as totem figures and as an inspiration for tattoos.

Sparrow tattoos, for instance, are often considered to correspond determination and assertiveness that become hand in hand with a strong character.

Swallow tattoos, on the other hand, are gentler and subtly optimistic in a distinct manner, equally they primarily indicate a sense of freedom and growth.

Where to become your Swallow Tattoo?

Getting down to practical matters, if you're looking to get a trendy swallow tattoo, where do you accept it done? And what else do you have included in your design along with it?

A picayune swallow nesting on your left shoulder can signify travel and gamble, loyalty and patriotism. Since these images tin be scaled downwardly to really small sizes, you lot could become one or more swallows inked onto your wrist on the inside, too. Many people similar having a flock of birds in flight as part of their tattoo design.

But the same prototype on the hands or neck could also hateful something more than sinister – like having spent time in jail, having "done your bird" ('bird' comes from Cockney slang for "bird lime" which means "doing time").

In the Britain, a eat tattoo on the hand also ways "these fists fly" – and is worn by men who were known as expert fighters, or were just difficult men.

The most mutual locations for a swallow tattoo, nonetheless, are the chest, hip, shoulders or lower back. A swallow can be all by itself, or combined with elements similar an arrow, scarlet, banner, stars, or some text. Some eat tattoos are in black only, while others are in bright, cute colors.

Which Swallow should your Tattoo Model?

Most oft, these tattoos are modeled on the Barn Swallow or European Consume, a colorful piffling bird with an orangish head/face, white belly and blue colored back. These colors may either be faithfully reproduced in a tattoo, or swapped for brighter shades.

If you aren't clear near the kind of image yous want for your tattoo, be sure to explore the extensive swallow film galleries online. Yous're certain to become some creative ideas by seeing what others have done with their body art.

And then read a little more than about the symbolism of the pictures or designs you lot find most appealing. Pick the ane that speaks to your centre, and have information technology inked by a skilled artist. It volition be a meaningful, personal and lasting reminder that you'll cherish for a long, long fourth dimension to come.


Bird designs have always been popular choices for body inking. It's hard to imagine them e'er going out of style. And swallow tattoos will continue to be appealing and interesting because they accept pregnant and purpose likewise every bit historic context attached to them.

While cultural significance will vary with context and region, one thing remains constant. A eat tattoo stands for skillful things in your life – and in your future.

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Can I Get A Swallow Tattoo,


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