
LogonUI.exe Application error on startup in Windows 11/10

Download PC Repair Tool to speedily find & prepare Windows errors automatically

On whatsoever normal twenty-four hour period, y'all volition observe your system working well. Information technology boots fine, and you can install desired apps normally. Withal, sometimes, it tin conduct unexpectedly. For example, you lot may see a pop-up with the following error bulletin appearing on your screen when you lot wake up your computer.

LogonUI.exe – Awarding Error

The exception Breakpoint. A breakpoint has been reached. (0x80000003) occurred in the application location 0x00007FFC7F84C4D7.

LogonUI.exe Application Error

LogonUI.exe is a Windows programme which is responsible for the interface y'all see on the login screen. It allows a PC to start only when a user enters the correct password and account username associated with the welcome interface. Information technology is an of import part of Windows, but often causes problems such as the one described above. The causative agent of this error is not single simply multiple. For instance, the failure of the hard disk, the problems with the RAM modules, the faulty data cables, the power supply unit not able to supply proper voltage or current to the difficult disks, corruption of the user profile, corruption of organisation files and more. Nevertheless, you can repair them all.

1] Run DISM to repair Organisation Repair

The DISM tool may aid you to set up some Windows abuse errors such as LogonUI.exe Application Error in Windows 10. So boot in Advanced Startup Options, access the Command Prompt and then Run DISM to repair Windows Arrangement Image. Alternatively, you may kicking in Condom Way access the command prompt and and then run DISM.

2] Run Check Deejay

Boot in Advanced Startup Options, then access and open a control prompt and run the following command:

chkdsk /r

If the to a higher place solution fails to resolve the issue,  try the side by side solution.

3] Disable Graphic Carte Adapter

The LogonUI error can besides occur if at that place's any temporary issue with your graphics adapter. To troubleshoot this error, try disabling the graphics adapter in Safety Fashion, and then update and enable information technology normal mode.

4]  Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

A Clean Boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This process is beneficial in a way that it helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when yous run a program in Windows x. Yous may troubleshoot the problem by performing a Make clean Kick.

If nothing helps check the error log in Event Viewer and see if information technology gives you a direction to work on.

LogonUI.exe Application Error

A post-graduate in Biotechnology, Hemant switched gears to writing well-nigh Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is not working, you tin can usually find him out traveling to different places or indulging himself in binge-watching.


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