
The AC power adapter type cannot be determined in Dell

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The 3rd trouble I started facing on my new Dell laptop was that every now and and then, in spite of using the AC power adapter or charger which came forth with the ultrabook, I frequently got to see this message box, when charging.

The Ac power adapter type cannot exist determined. Your system volition operate slower and the battery volition not charge. Please connect a Dell 90W Ac adapter or higher for all-time system operation

This never happened on my earlier Dell XPS desktop, and was actually pretty abrasive! On searching a bit on the Internet I plant that this was an issue many were facing. Some said that this issue was now resolved in the newer Dell machines. Just it doesn't look to be the case, as I was still seeing this message on my new ultrabook.

The AC power adapter type cannot be determined

The Air conditioning power adapter blazon cannot be determined

The adapter worked and charged fine. Then when I shut off the principal ability supply for a couple of hours and then start charging again, I got to see this message. Similarly, later having resumed the auto from Sleep, I got to see this message frequently. Sometimes, simply turning the ability off and so turning information technology on made me see this error box.

This was pretty frustrating really. Just when I had resolved the Your organization does not announced to have Intel Rapid Start Applied science enabled mistake on every offset-up and the screen effulgence flickering issue, I started seeing this error!

Well, if yous too are seeing this message, hither are a few things you lot could do.

1] Take out the power cord from the laptop and reconnect it with force twisting it a flake while inserting it. If need be as well unplug information technology from the wall socket and reinsert the plug. This actually solved my problem. Even when my cord was inserted tightly and properly initially itself, I used to encounter the error. But doing this, made the error box go away. Only then, this cant is the solution now, tin it!? I can't keep doing this all the time!

Why does this happen?

Dell reacts this style if it is non able to recognize or determine the Air conditioning power adapter type. In this scenario, y'all will observe that:

  • Your organization is operating slower
  • The battery volition not charge or will accuse slowly.

What you tin can do is check the health of your Battery. As well, check if your AC Adapter is performance fine.

two] If the message continues to problem you and you are sure that your batter wellness is good and that you are using the correct AC power adapter, so you may if you wish disable the Adapter Warnings in BIOS. IF y'all are not familiar with BIOS, I propose you practice not do this. If you are comfortable with BIOS settings so restart your Windows eight and during restart, printing the F2 key, to boot into BIOS.

dell adapter warning

One time here, select the Advanced tab and navigate with the assistance of the keyboard to Adapter Warnings. Set it to Disabled. Salve the settings and Exit.

So you see, these are not exactly solutions – merely workarounds! Three issues with my new Dell laptop! Not sure what to say! In the outset two cases, information technology was the addon Intel or Dell programs that were causing issues. Let u.s. hope I exercise not face whatsoever other problems with my new Dell!

Visiting the Dell Back up Center may exist an choice you may desire to consider if yous wish to escalate the matter.

dell adapter warning


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire mail & the comments first, create a System Restore Betoken before making any changes to your system & exist careful about any 3rd-political party offers while installing freeware.


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